God’s Word Will Rearrange Your Life to Align with His
There’s a spiritual aspect and a physical aspect. We want more of God and to journey with Him as far as we can go. This journey is limited for humans – though the limit is far beyond what many have reached and different for each individual. This striving for more of God also rearranges our physical lives. And this is why we so often hit our limits early. We are connected to other people, and to what extent determines how far we will go.
We All Have A Purpose In God to Fulfill
The gift of the discernment of spirits works upon my life – which can be difficult to bear. It is exacting and carries a great responsibility.
Discernment is an extremely sharp, but not always welcome ability. This is the price I pay from a human standpoint.
All that being said, I have my own path to walk. All are welcome here and on any of my platforms, but it’s not my responsibility to control another’s choices. I can compel no one to read what I post on my own platform discussions or other random platforms online.
What I say, if one is listening and implementing, will transform one’s life, and that’s exactly it – don’t expect to listen and have nothing change. Change is uncomfortable, frightening and to many people unbearable. I’m like anyone else and feel the same about change, it is a difficult thing that cannot always be accomplished in one’s life.
People are human and flawed, we walk as far as we can with God but we all have our limit. If you find yourself at your limit and what I’ve written throughout these pages is making you miserable, then I’d say stop listening to me, because the Spirit of God will continue to call through my words.
And above all, try to refrain from blaming God that your life is being shaken – the word of God is a two-edged sword that is living and active in the hearer’s life, the double-edge means I too receive judgement as I wield it. He will prune away everything that we are willing to let go of. This is a personal matter.
This walk is no joke, and nothing to play with. This is why joy and peace and love are all so important.
God’s Word Will Transform Your Life, But Use Wisdom
Sometimes we can’t see that we’re habitually reaching into the fire that perhaps once transformed us but now feels like it’s burning away too much. The discerning of spirits gift is like that burning fire. Most people don’t need this ministry continually in their lives. But those interested in my teachings have to understand, this is my gift from God. It’s not for me to stop, but for them to leave. I’m very serious about this, the gift is given without repentance – it works in and through me always. Perhaps there is a more favorable season at a later time. Use wisdom and above all, love.
If my words or this ministerial gift bother you, maybe it’s not a good idea for you to be here or on any of my platforms looking through my posts. You’re welcome to be here, don’t get me wrong, but know that God is no respecter of persons and the working of His gift through me will affect every aspect of your life.
I’ll say it like this; God can speak to you directly through anything I say and break the chains off your life and destroy the yokes around your neck, and I will have no idea what He is accomplishing in your life or what is transpiring. It’s HIS word, He is the one performing the action – living and active – not I. I am the vessel. You’re approaching a living force in the words I speak when I’m hearing from God properly.
This Walk is Not Easy, There is a Price to Pay
His word will not fall short of His purpose to lead you into the fulness of Christ. And this changes everything around you. Our human hearts can’t always bear it, our shoes must come off, and sometimes, we can’t finish the conversation with God due to fear, crippling thoughts of inadequacy, or sheer lack of ability to allow change. We all feel this. It’s a heart matter that is personal to each child of God. We are all called to do what we don’t want to do in order to follow Christ fully. (This mind you, has nothing to do with salvation.)
This is why the limits are different for each individual, why some are called and few are chosen, why some go far and some remain within the bounds of everyday life. We are all different with different circumstances to manage, some more, some less.
Every gift is for a reason, a purpose, and a time. That’s why the Spirit gave multiple gifts to mankind. The shepherd tends to the sheep (pastor), and shearing is a necessary part of the maintenance of health (prophet). But so is grazing by the waters and feeding in lush fields of grass.
“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” Psalm 23.2
Make sure your attention is ultimately on God, (not me or any other minister), and that you take care of yourself as well. No sheep needs to be sheared constantly – and I can’t make this decision for anyone. If I am a fire, so-to-speak, you have the choice to approach or go lay in the grass and enjoy a reprieve. We all need rest dear brothers and sisters.
May God bless you and yours on your journey, people of God.
Featured Image by Chris Klein