Unconventional Thinking: The Potential of a Seed

Without seeds, we wouldn’t have Earth, we’d have Mars. There would be nothing to sustain life. A single seed is a powerful creation of God because inside one seed is the ability to produce multiple seeds after it’s own kind. Plant one tomato seed and it won’t just produce one tomato for you to eat, but multiple tomatoes containing a multitude of seeds – which you can then replant – and thus the cycle of multiplication, abundance and continual supply is set in motion.

Corrupt Seed That We Don’t Want

Satan works to stop anything that produces good results. He will either change it to produce evil results or simply bring death. A superior example of this is the Monsanto soybean. It’s a genetically modified seed which, when planted, will produce a soybean plant that is edible. The evil of this creation is that the seeds produced from the plant have no reproduction life in them. The code of life God placed in the seed has been genetically knocked out of the DNA strand.

In other words, plant one seed, get one plant, then death. You must purchase more genetically modified seeds produced by Monsanto if you want to plant and eat again. The devil takes life out of everything he can. Take note of this. (The implications of this is the setup for the One-World government that is coming – which is a different topic altogether so let me stay focused…)

The True Nature of God’s Creation is in a Seed

Now, we have God’s seed which is perfect and beautiful and creates life for others and within itself is abundance. The power of the seed is self-contained and it has it’s own DNA. One can never plant a tomato seed and reap a harvest of green beans.

The other mystery about a seed – which contains so much life within itself – is that it must die before it can produce anything. Jesus said,

Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

So in the kingdom of God, seed is many things and incredibly powerful. As Christians, we are the multiplication, the harvest, the fruit of Jesus falling into the ground, dying and rising again on the third day. Satan thought by killing Jesus he would end his own misery and win – to his dismay, Jesus was then multiplied in every direction as God’s word spread and watered the seeds of the harvest of the Gentiles.

Jesus also said if we have the faith of a mustard seed, the tiniest seed of all, we can move mountains! How is this possible, you ask? The genetics of God’s seed is a powerful force my friend. It confounds the wise and saves the simple!

More on the process of how to plant a seed and what you should be doing during the waiting season before your harvest.

Now, let’s look deeper into what faith is because it’s easy to get it confused with hope.

How Our Faith Works is Just Like a Seed

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.”

First of all, if it is the substance of hope, then it is not hope, but altogether separate. Secondly, it isn’t just a feeling or state of mind like hope because it refers to tangible things: substance and evidence.

When we have faith in something, we are taking an action as a result of the hope we believe in our hearts. And that action displayed in the natural world is the evidence of that which you are waiting and hoping.

Here’s an example: Peter clearly saw Jesus walking on the water in the midst of a raging storm. He hoped he also could walk on water and not sink – the action of stepping out of the boat into the ocean was faith in it’s purest form. Hope is an attitude on the inside, in your heart and mind – faith is you taking action (evidence) on that hope and the substance for Peter was his ability to then walk on water.

Here’s a secret (which isn’t really a secret, it’s scripture): Faith works by love. Because as soon as Peter looked around him and feared, he sunk.

Without this understanding of a seed, of faith, and of hope, then the fruit of the seed won’t be seen. To go one layer deeper (like that phenomenal movie Inception) if the seed is corrupt, or isn’t sown into good soil, misses and hits the sidewalk, isn’t protected and gets eaten by fowl, or not tended to and the thorns choke it out – then there will be no harvest produced. Or worse, a corrupted harvest is produced. This idea in the kingdom of God is exceptionally powerful either way you use it, so be cautious.

Plant Good Seed for a Good Harvest

And here is why: scripture says, “God will not be mocked, whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap.”

This goes for all seed, all deeds, all things good or evil – they will be reaped by the sower who planted them.

So you thought living for God was some stodgy ‘ole religious practice of counting rosaries, penance and rehearsing a prewritten prayer or two? Perhaps thinking that God is miles away ‘somewhere up there’? Well welcome to a completely opposite reality, it’s nothing of the sort! You want manmade religion? You’ll find it in most churches-noun-place today with their rituals and time schedules and formalities – what a bore!

God is alive and active upon this Earth and with His people. The powerful Third Person of the Trinity is with us today (who makes us His living temple 1 Corith 6:19). Living the Christian life is nothing like Religion has made it out to be. God is far too intelligent for that rubbish…

One Tiny Seed Can Change The World

That tiny seed you hold in your hand – with God – it can move an entire mountain. It can pull up a tree by its roots and plant it in the sea. Miraculous altogether!

But only…….if you believe.

The next installment we’ll talk more about what a seed planted in your heart can do because there is seed given by God and there is seed corrupted by the devil. We want the good, positive life of God’s word to produce from out of our hearts and mouth.

For whatsoever a woman thinks in her heart and speaks with her mouth so is she…….Proverbs 23.7

Plant good seed. Reap a good life.

Until next time~

Featured Photo by Hean Prinsloo 

Unconventional Thinking and Following Your Call In Life

Being unconventional can get you into a load of trouble with humans. It can also be a powerful tool in a boring, (even dangerous) lemming-like society.

I’ve never been one for following the crowd, and as long as I am quiet everything is fine. But I’m usually not quiet. And when you begin blazing a trail in the opposite direction, and those conventional humans start seeing it, (even seeing you doing well at it) you’ll receive plenty of flack.

Many people choose to follow the mainstream because their parents and grandparents did. If it worked for them and they are happy, then they made the right decision… for their life!

I. Never. Wanted. That.

The problem is, I see people resigning their lives to the pressure of the mainstream. That’s different than making a decision to do so. Mainstream is intolerant of unconventional ideas and ways of thinking.

Seventy-five years ago in 1945, getting married, having children, holding down a good with a pension, (or if you were a woman, keeping house and husband and kids at the expense of your own desires), was all the rage. It’s what a contemporary American family looked like. No more. And I like to challenge people and why they believe the way they do and why they’ve made the choices they’ve made – oh boy! That’s a crowd pleaser, let me tell you!

But I do care. I care that people 1. Get out of this way of thinking if they want to, but if not 2. Don’t impose this way of thinking on others, which decreases one’s value as an individual person and limits people’s potential.

It is a difficult balance to keep: not caring what people think about me and yet, showing people that I care for them. Fortunately, I did a pretty good job of staying out of the clutches of traditional, conventional living.

Alas, but not quite.

Here I find myself – again – in a daily corporate grind. It is an unhappy place for me. Think about this: eight hours of the best part of the day spent making someone else lots of money. Pushing papers. Calculating totals, Excel spreadsheets, emails, phone calls….working for a paycheck is not freedom. Just try to leave at 2 in the afternoon and go enjoy a hike for the rest of the day without telling anyone. Just try sleeping in until 8am, then instead of getting in your car and rushing to work because your late, you head to the park, or shopping or anything – you’ll be getting a phone call. Or your ears boxed tomorrow.

Or maybe even a pink slip.

Oh, you can do whatever you like, but there’ll be consequences for it.

Lack of freedom is anyone or anything capable of dictating to you how your time is to be spent without you having a choice to agree to it or power to refuse it.

Work is important. Very important. But so is satisfaction and especially what you are called to do in this short life you’ve been given. God’s Calling over your life isn’t to be taken lightly. It’s serious business..

The Calling is a pull – a steady desire of your heart that you want to fulfill or that you feel drawn towards. It could be broad or specific but it will not let you go. The sad thing is, many people let the Calling go because they see no other way to get out of societal judgment, the corporate grind, the conventional machine, the daily slog of humanity to make a living.

Forget. That.

I found my way out once with God’s help. I’ll find my way out again.

Let me also say here, that sometimes there are silent, unnoticed seasons God will take us through to prepare us for the Calling over our lives. We’ll talk more about this later, but the Bible does say, ‘despise not small beginnings’. The critical issue is not giving up your dreams because you see no way out. Determine in your heart that giving up is not an option for you! God will show you how to overcome the situations you encounter so you can move into the blessings He has for you.

The problem can sometimes be people, especially when they don’t think like you. Most people find unconventional thinkers an affront to their carefully indoctrinated, socially-accepted lives. But when these people are our friends, family or mentors, we’ll listen to them, be made to feel guilty by them, have our value decreased or be made to feel foolish or selfish and before we know it, bam!, right back into the slog we go…

After all, who are you to have something different and better? Or maybe they don’t understand that their ‘happy’ is not your ‘happy’? Or perhaps they had to give up their dreams to fit in, and their hope of a better happier life in order to be socially accepted — so you should too! Because what does that say about them if you get out and blaze a better trail when they did not? You should suffer the same way they still suffer…

No. Way.

I just cannot accept less than what my heart is longing for – it’s what God put there to begin with and I must find it. Is your heart burning for something more powerful that will impact people’s lives in a great and meaningful way? Don’t forsake that desire in your heart. It’s probably your Calling.

Time. Oh Lord help me. I am starved for time. My energy is taken from me during the 8-5 workday, performing for something other than what my heart desires.

When I was in my 20s and 30s I had time and plenty of left over energy! Not so much anymore. Listen, isn’t your time more valuable than sitting behind a desk helping no one in any meaningful way? Time affords us the ability to think, invent, write, encounter, discover all kinds of things which in turn, brings the world around us to a better place. Try doing all that behind a desk, pushing papers and trying to figure out which cell has the wrong formula in that God forsaken Excel spreadsheet…there are only so many hours in a day, and even less productive hours…

Remember, what ever it is you’re working to obtain is also what you are exchanging your life for.

Think about this: how many years of your life did you exchange for that car you are driving? How about the phone your holding in your hand right now?

If you made $50,000 last year and your car cost you $50,000, well then, every hour of every day you worked for a solid year was exchanged for that car. It doesn’t matter how many months you spread the payment over.

It seems unfair, but it isn’t – some people can work one month, earning fifty-thousand dollars and exchange one month of their life for a car. It’s just how the world works down here.

The choice then, that we all have is this, “what can I do to make my life more satisfying and rewarding right where I am?”

Trust me, you don’t need to be rich to be satisfied and live a fulfilling and rewarding life. Listen to King Solomon when he said that much wisdom can bring much sadness. Money can also bring its own oppression.

Because money isn’t the answer. Freedom is the answer.

We also must face the truth that in many ways, money is freedom. Or it can at least buy you financial freedom to pursue what you want. But many get slogged down and miss the beat. Money can work for you or against you. And you don’t need money to find your Call or work in a field that is fulfilling and satisfies you personally. Understand that money is only a tool and half the battle is won.

Hold on tight. We’re going to get into a lot of unconventional thinking in the next several weeks/months that encompasses more than just work and the daily grind. Is your work fulfilling and satisfying and at the end of the day helping others and pushing the envelope to make this world a better place? Then thank God for that! We will all benefit from your valuable time being spent doing something awesome for the world. But let’s not stop there because God has so much more for us! And when we are done, we may just find ourselves a little more free and a little closer to living in the Call of God that is over our lives. Until next time…

Be well, be free~

Feature Photo by Dino Reichmuth on Unsplash