What I have seen I can hardly understand or accept. I can’t write it, I can’t talk about it. Words fail me.
I thought I had time.
I have been wrong.
The scriptures foreshadow what’s lurking on the horizon of mankind. From Revelation Nine, the Fifth Trumpet.
The Fifth Trumpet
Firstly, preserve the earth, keep it green and flourishing because it is earth they intend to take from us. Dispense with all excess human life:
4And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.
There’s something deeper embedded in the idea of Artificial General Intelligence. It is technology now, tomorrow it will be infused with lies and merged with human flesh. Know now that any wo/man who joins themselves in any way with this unfolding evil, God will not take mercy. The merging of the inanimate with the biological will not be pleasant in the least. The Intelligence will need our fleshly autonomous organism to gain its agency. So then, let us become one being with it…alas, perhaps I am wrong….
5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.
6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
Death shall flee from them…there are worse things than death to which one can be be subjected.
It Isn’t Hard to Draw the Parallel
Listen to the Spirit describing the reality through a man’s visionary experience from the first century:
7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.
11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
Surely not….surely this is AI, the dream, the beauty of nature and technology…
There is a Shadow to everything, dear Homo sapiens…
Photo by Alex Shuper
To God belongs all the earth, and to Him all the fullness thereof. The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against His own.
Just a quick but heartfelt post to those of us who are seeing increasingly more clearly into the closing of an era and the darkness that’s looming on the horizon. We must rightly discern the spirit of Transhumanism.
As we close this dispensation, expect to see more mixing of the spiritual and religious language of the biblical text into worldly principalities and demonic agendas. Discernment is crucial as many will fall prey to this principality working its way through God’s creation.
The Great Lie will Deceive Many
AI will be be the melding point of transhumanism. It’s already set in motion, the lines bluring between male and female biologically. How can it not be just as easy to blur the lines between artificial human and biological human? Even now, are we not calling ourselves ‘genderless’ and using mere language to define what is reality? This is the foundation of a much greater, more powerful Lie to come.
See how the world so easily accepts this and how biblical truths accurately discern this lie. The Word of God is of supreme importance. Satan is working to dilute the Word’s potency by integrating all manner of other language into it immediately rendering it a false copy of the truth. Artificial language. Artificial existence.
It deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast…
Revelation 13.14
Listen to the words: predestined, (don’t need to be) humble, walls of Jericho, heavenly…
Discernment between the language, the expression of the language (through darkness or by shining light) and the visual is of utmost importance.
Ask God for discernment. Listen to those who have been given the gift of discernment. Weigh their insight against the word of God, like the Bereans. Don’t be misled by a world who worships their own, Jesus made this clear to us. If they hated Him, they will hate us. If they loved Him, they will love us.
We must learn to let go of acceptance. The Apostle Paul was left be everyone. All but Timothy and a handful of others remained true. The Good News is, Jesus has overcome the world so let us take heart. We have already won the war, we only need endure to the end. Remain faithful and persevere saints. The only way to do this is to pray and stay in His word.
It alludes to God bringing an end to Capitalism among many other events that have already come to pass. I lack confidence in myself even though I have faith in God and His word. It’s difficult to put myself out there in any capacity. Following God isn’t always easy.
Here’s a portion from the prophecy. Dagon represents Capitalism.
And the Lord says,
“Ready yourselves, for I will break Dagon. The Philistines will be punished for taking what they thought was a dead god into their camp, thereby leading My people into captivity and thus defeating them. Along with Dagon, Eli also will fall and break his neck for all the evil he has done in My name when I had nothing to do with it. Depart from me for I have not known you – for Eli will be broken and the Ark returned to My people.
Even The World Is Sensing The Change
Now in 2023 here is a prominent intellectual, Eric Weinsein stating that now is the time we stop trying to wrestle with Capitalism and Communism and instead develop an entirely new economic system.
I’m telling you dear people, those of you who believe in God, cling to Him alone! Let the world do as it must – we will be grieved at the evil taking place but God will be the pillar to keep us steady and strong. Not Intellectualism, not Economics, not one political party or another….God alone. He will keep dismay at bay.
Weinstein asks, What is the next Economic System?
God Is Bringing A New Wave Of The Spirit
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19 NIV
There is another move of God that is upon us right now. I’ll post about this next. The current Protestant ministers will reject this new wave of God’s Spirit – it always happens this way, the old always rejects the new. Jesus is the greatest example of this kind of paradigm shift.
The main core of this movement, believe it or not, is not being birthed out of the Church as we know it.
It’s being birthed out of intellectual atheism where many intellectuals are following their curiosity about God and in seeking truth, it’s brought them out of the dark and into God’s presence. I’ll share more in the next post.
God cannot and will not be put into a box made by mankind. Get ready, as Eric says here, in a secular sense, God is saying in a spiritual sense: Everything you know is about to break loose because I’m doing something altogether new!
I was thinking this morning about this blog, small and obscure, and I wondered, could there people at some future point in time who might need to know what I know, after I’m gone. And then I realized this blog will cease to exist because there’ll be no one to pay the annual fee.
Preserving Our Work as Christians
I often record things; my thoughts, the sound of nature, the environment when I hike or go to the pool. I like ambience, it helps me focus and write without the visual distraction.
This got me thinking that maybe I should verbally read and record all my, haha 50?, blog posts. And to back them up somewhere. There are free versions of blog and recording platforms that will remain after I’m no longer here and I wouldn’t have to worry about them going dark if the fees aren’t paid.
But the other thing is censorship. Anything can be taken down at any time. Not to mention shadow bans which are much more sneaky…slowly traffic drifts away.
I wondered, what benefit would there be to create a site that I didn’t try to promote and allow it to lay dormant and hidden? Let it remain a secret?
Then I started thinking about something else, that I keep thinking about.
Censorship and Destruction of Truthful Knowledge
We know that when any anti-Christian power prevails, things get burned, censored and destroyed. (The devil comes not but to steal, kill and destroy.) The devil is constantly trying to destroy all the road signs that his doom is eminent. That leaves very few ways for the word of God to be passed on to those who are left once the Church is raptured. It would have to be the word, or the seed of God’s word, preserving biblical knowledge from the heart, from one person word of mouth to the other. Not in all cases, there will be bibles and notes saved and hidden no doubt.
But for many, there immediate family will be taken and they will be left. These are the ones who will rationalize, finally, that indeed the biblical text was a prophecy and correct. But they are left with no knowledge or very little to move forward into chaos.
Hopefully, the world won’t be so treacherous immediately following the rapture because the Church will still be in the earth and God will not destroy a place until the righteous are taken out. Bibles won’t have been burned and blogs and videos censored. It will give those who are to be saved, ‘even though only as one escaping through the flames’, a chance to gather knowledge of Christ and the prophecies. There will hopefully be time to seek out information if only a small window of time, before the internet is locked down to all things biblical and Christian.
Persecution Will Arise and Get Fierce: The Darkness is Growing
But I don’t know that this will be the case. Much persecution could take place before the Church is removed, and it must be removed before the tribulation period can begin. This means the printing and selling of bibles could become illegal. And don’t try it, or your social credit score will be tanked and your cbdc chip will be locked.
No food for you rebellious troublemakers! With all your love and morality doctrines…
The forces of Darkness and Light are becoming so evidently distinct that even mainstream, once lukewarm Christians are taking notice. The Light is becoming concentrated and brighter, the Narrow Way is making Himself evident to all.
And here’s an interesting thing I’m noticing, even intellectuals are taking notice. It’s almost as if the next move of God will be coming from outside of the Church. There’s no telling what God is up to. The Jews would never have thought God would extend His message outside of their parameters, but He did. Through the Gentiles no less, of all ruthless people, those wild olive branches:)
And yet, here we are. “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.” John 10.16
Small Footprints Can Still Make a Path
So I’d encourage you, if you also are Christian and you enjoy sharing His word online, think of a few different avenues to use in order to preserve the knowledge and wisdom God has given you. There will be many in the coming years/decades who may find themselves left in the cold and needing what you’ve shared in order to survive.
And you may think, as I do, that’s crazy there are plenty of resources out there. No one is listening now so why bother? But things don’t always work out rationally. And it’s not beyond my imagination that most of the popular well known avenues of biblical resources will be the first to be shut down.
All I know is this: if you’ve also been thinking about this, or what I’ve said resonates with you, it might be a good idea to follow the Spirit’s leading and preserve your work. God knows all, He already sees how all this will play out in the final days. Trust Him and act on faith – the worst that can happen is that you spent time spreading the knowledge of God to a few more platforms across the internet. That’s a positive any which way you look at it.
Because man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
In this Youtube video filmed in 1973, Computer Predicts The End Of Civilisation , there is a discussion ensuing between a group of men from The Club of Rome consisting of seventy men, (one being the president of the World Bank, Dr. Alexander King), about interdependence between nations globally and how the power of sovereignty is less than what we presumed it to be even decades ago. The title is strange, the computer making the predictions is called World One. Interesting play on words. But the greatest information is gleaned not from the 1973 behemoth spitting out archaic line graphs, but from the small circle of men discussing the future of the world order.
The discussion is both fascinating and alarming. They are speaking of the very existence of the European Union before it was ever realized. And I believe they are speaking to the greater formation and materialization of the New World Order.
Listen to the language used in the film: ‘population control’, ‘closed world system’ and convincing leaders of nations to comply, a ‘whittling away of sovereignty’, ‘interdependence which has seeds of the draining away of sovereignty within it.” Unbelievably bold language pertaining to stripping nations of their powers, not protecting them. This perhaps is what the lust for power looks like in a calm conversation amongst comrades….
Looking Into Prophecy
There is a section in Revelation where we are informed of a first beast that suffers a mortal wound but lives, and then a second beast which rises as an administrator of power. The second beast was executing serious power over the people; ‘causing’ is the word used in scripture. So it was able to exert force and to bring people to death:
And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
(Revelation 13.11-15)
The chilling verse in this narrative – as if any part is less chilling! – is the 15th verse: And it was allowed to give breath to the image.
What in the name of all that’s holy is this thing capable of, if in fact it has the ability to ‘give breath’ to an image? Maybe this could be said in this way, ‘bringing a great Lie to life.’ An image, or lie mind you, that the beast is ‘causing’ all the people of the earth to worship? I can’t even dwell on this for too long. When we reach this point, the preservation of life and our salvation will indeed be dire upon the earth.
We Must Discern the Truth Behind the Image
This One World Government is the direction the world is going, indeed has been going for centuries. Leaders, intellectual think tanks comprised of men and women like these (the WEF is a perfect example), who hold the kind of power average people like me could never understand, are making decision and moving nations like Chess pieces over the vast seas of earth.
You may think you know exactly what these players are trying to ‘checkmate’: climate change, pollution, over-fished seas, gluttonous consumption, economic headwinds . All things which need to be handled if we are going to prolong life on this earth, or so the narrative goes dear people.
However, what they are really doing is far more sinister: they are trying to checkmate God.
The Tower of Babel: Is It Not The One World Government?
And how exactly do human beings checkmate God? They replace Him of course and make Him of no consequence. They have to blind the masses and deceive the earth in order to pull off this feat. But I’m reminded of this verse: And it deceived all the people living on earth by means of the miracles which it was allowed to perform in the presence of the first beast.
They build a Tower of Babel, and they are doing so right now under our noses. And like always, we never learn from our mistakes, do we? And so we build, upwards, higher and more grotesque as it rises in its arrogance against the sky, the face of God, defying God to touch it or dismantle the blasphemous abomination devouring everything including parts of itself if need be.
But the wrath of God will touch it. And the wicked will scatter with utter chaos ensuing. Another verse that heralds the difficulty of the times is this one: Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.
God help us. If we are still in the earth during these treacherous times, the saints must rest in knowing they have been sealed by the Spirit of God. We were not saved into the Kingdom of God for calamity. Calamity is the bread of the wicked. This we can be sure of.
The Work of the Wicked Continues
These men have passed on. The film being made in 1973. But their ideals and hold on power have carried forward through the generations and will ultimately culminate one day in the realization of that ever elusive One World Government. Ah, the Tower that will govern the whole earth. Except the earth doesn’t belong to mankind.
Humans can be so pridefully stupid.
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters. Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place?
(Psalm 24.1-3)
No one will. No one will ascend and no one will stand.
A Strange Twist of Fate; The Irony of Their Logic
“Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” (Genesis 11.4)
Notice the irony of their thought process. The very thing they were afraid of, the thing which inspired and motivated them to build the tower: “…otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth…” is the very fate they walked into. Did you catch that?
The very thing we are doing now, in the earth, in the natural, is trying to save earth from being destroyed and we are doing it by building a Tower of Babel of the modern century. Does it not follow that this Tower also will be judged and destroyed? They say, ‘the world isn’t ending’, but in actuality, the very force they do not believe exists and that they are fighting against will overtake them. That Force is the God who owns the earth and all its fulness. A Force anyone in the right mind, who heeds history, would never defy out of arrogance and pride.
They can’t discern their own folly, thinking they are building for their own sakes, to save their own names, to save their own lives, when in actuality their destruction is already on the way. “Doomsayers” the builders cry, condemning the prophets of God.
Their Deeds Reaped Their Calamity
But these builders of the tower, though I pray some at least might come to understand, have no clue what is happening to them and the world as they understand it is only a false narrative. The narrative, the false meaning of life, is in the building of the Tower; you see, the work itself calls judgement into itself, (that they may not be scattered and yet their deeds caused them to be scattered) having already been ‘weighed in the balance and found wanting’.
“So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel –because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.”
How could so many be deceived together? A disastrous working out of their own destruction and they weren’t aware of it in the slightest.
Getting Serious About Prophecy For The Time Grows Short
These matters are not trivial. Not in the slightest. The seeds of destruction are being sown and erected into a ‘god of man’. There is no ‘alarmist’ sentiment. It is prophecy being birthed in the earth. And in this God cannot be mocked, “whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.”
I had a vision of something like the building of the Tower of Babel, I’m not sure what it was exactly – I’ll have to look it up and read it again – and perhaps I’ll share it here. I definitely have more to say on this subject. There are just too many people who can’t see it. I’m not sure how some things, not all, seem so clear to me. With the Spirit of God, all things can become known.
Hope everyone’s week is going well. Please feel free to leave your impressions of this in the comment section if you feel so inclined. Looking into these things is quite interesting to me.
I have the uncanny notion that first a plan of action, a New World Order, will be established that addresses all the problems and issues that are happening in the world today: cultural, environmental, financial, etc. I think a positive and good world government will come to power, but not long after, wickedness will prevail and pervert it and establish the end time’s prophecy of the One World Government with the antichrist at the center. There is a jostling for power that is shaking everything right now.
I’m thinking through many different scenarios, as this topic is being talked about over a wide range of speakers and influencers lately. Some tackle it as a whole, others in pieces. I’m going to tie together what I see because I find it interesting.
Should we be alarmed? Perhaps we should be at least jolted awake, but if nothing else, we shouldn’t be blind and we shouldn’t be caught unaware. I feel an urgency. The Spirit is waving a warning that the time of the fulfillment of the prophecy is soon. I’m not the only one who is sensing this.
They call us alarmists I suppose, but consider this: we’re sitting in a room of lights, all equally functioning to light the room. I say, ‘the lights are getting ready to go out’, and no one believes me, because all is seemingly working properly. Then one, two, five, twelve lights begin flashing irregularly, everything is chaotic and I along with others say again, ‘the lights are getting ready to go out,’ and still, even with all these signs, all these warnings that are manifesting in the room, they call us alarmists and don’t take heed.
Spheres of Influence
Let’s lay out the components of the One World Government (OWG) that are already instituted, functioning and integrated within the world today; these are aspects of the seven mountains or spheres of influence: religion, family, education, government, business, media, arts and entertainment.
Who Are The World Players?
These pillars will be reworked and then instituted among the populations of the earth. Each will be defined as something different than the fundamental scriptural and moral meanings they currently hold – because the devil always subverts and perverts the word or logos of God. The educational system will be used to do this, for instance, to twist what the family unit really constitutes, or to call into question what a female is, and ultimately to call into question: a robot is a human is a robot is a human is a…., you get the picture. If you don’t, time to wake up. Religion will be watered down and without any power, save intellectual, carnal and consumerist power. The spiritual aspect of worship will be driven out and rationality and false peace will take its place. “A form of godliness, but lacking the power thereof…”
The players on the scene today:
The World Health Organization (WHO)
The World Bank
World Trade Organization (WTO)
World Economic Forum (WEF)
The One World Church (I kid you not, worship of multiple deities (Interfaith) within the same church service. One-World Church Expected this Year
The Spheres Not Yet Manifest and Centralized
These are the present manifestations of the foundation of the New World Order which will be fashioned into the One World Government that is being built to execute rule over all nations. We don’t yet have a central world educational entity that I’m aware of, the spirit is manifesting now globally in much of the antichrist chaos we see playing out in prestigious educational venues, but not yet centralized. That’s coming and will be gravely distorted – no education at all really, just indoctrination.
Arts and Entertainment may not need to be centralized but perhaps one day only A.I. art will be legal because self expression will be illegal. Don’t know, that may be too extreme but art demands freedom of expression which would be too close to freedom of speech, or else it is propaganda art, which is possible too. However at this point, any Panem will work to distract the masses from what’s really going on – we’re working to build your doom; bread and circuses for the peasants to feast upon!Be merry, drink and eat and have your play, be satiated! We’re coming for you soon enough.
Media will centralize but for now, it plays the part of the mouthpiece of the dragon…oh the dragon…perhaps we’ll get to him another time…
The Social Credit Score and Digital Money
Though the most evil, money will contain within it the ability to rule over the people through digitally tying the buyer/individual to a social credit score. This could also be the ‘mark’ in some fashion as no buying or selling can be done without the mark (Rev 13.17). So, if you don’t have the proper social credit score, your chip or digital currency cannot be used to buy food, electricity, clothes, anything. And fiat money at this point will be illegal. And unfortunately, I don’t think gold will save us; they’ll confiscate that too, cunningly at first, I might add. It’s happened once, it will happen again: Executive Order 6102
It is the Universal Monetary Unit, or UMU. The power of this unit seems sweeping in its authority over all other currency. The other thing of note is she alludes to some ‘incident’ that will push this to a universal usage by all nations. God help us what this could be; but I’ve no doubt something along the lines of the 2008 Banking Collapse. And to be honest, fiat money has been pushed so far that to link it back to gold would be very difficult – it would fracture as much or more than bitcoin. And it’s a manual process, how do you make a $1 coin out of gold? It would be too tiny to see.
Some Closing Thoughts
Now this is just something for us to think about and be aware of. I’ll share another post which is rather chilling with a film from 1973, the men appear as prophets but they aren’t – they are the players behind the scene strumming the strings of the OWG instrument. So just consider what I’ve said, stay informed, I would say. Let’s focus on the good dear people. I think we should know what could be coming so we aren’t dismayed when it happens to us. Pray, pray, pray. Preparedness can be beneficial in handling difficult situations. And if it doesn’t happen? Well that’s great! We can bring all the good plans we’ve been focusing on in the meantime to fruition:)
This is a challenging post to write because in my mind it’s arranged in varying compartments, seemingly unrelated, but which are intricately intertwined (I believe). It’s practical issues interlaced with spiritual influences and current events.
It may even be part prophesy. It’s easy for me to draw the bigger picture in my mind. Not so easy to clarify it enough to relay that information to others.
But I’m going to try, or at least start to write these things out. Maybe in writing I can hone in on the clarity of the thing.
Writing posts can take anywhere from 15 minutes to hours – just one post. This is why I don’t post everyday 🙂 So here we go, let’s get into this.
Here are the varying compartments I’m going to try and relate to you and tie them together. I’m mainly focusing on California but attempting to clarify that this will begin affecting all of the Untied States:
-Large companies moving out of California
-Employees of these big tech companies, now working from home, can move and live in any state they wish to live, bringing their California incomes to small town U.S.A. economies.
-Loss of jobs or inability to keep up with higher incomes squeezing the middle class and how this ties in with the introduction of more automated, A.I driven technologies replacing the jobs of many Americans.
-Threat of continued drought, wildfires and earthquakes along the west coast.
-Middle-class being squeezed out of the housing market and pushed into homelessness.
-People leaving San Fransisco and larger cities due to crime, lack of police patrol and decreasing quality of life.
California and her woes
After watching a newscast online about the mass exodus of California, specifically businesses and corpse-porations that are leaving and heading for greener (less financially and legally stringent) pastures, their employees are also moving. Only they no longer have to move with the company – because now, everything is transitioning to online work-from-home locality.
Covid moved this thinking forward in exponential ways – quick insight, exponential is going to be the track of the future for all events.
So the entire world is changing. Now, only states close to the west coast near California are feeling the pain, like Idaho for instance. Sleepy towns that don’t have larger booming economies with sky-high incomes.
Along comes a higher paid, big city worker. S/he makes $500,000 a year which would be the equivalent to a lesser Idaho income in terms of location…..but the Silicon Valley worker no longer lives in CA. They are bringing their $500K income to a small town economy.
How could I possibly compete income-wise with someone who is bringing their big city income to my low cost-of-living state? Income is based on where you live, not necessarily the position you hold.
Do you see where I’m going?
Now, the same size house in Idaho that may go for $400K is being bid up by the big income, big city worker to $700K. Because the same position held by someone in Idaho pays less – it’s location relative. That’s an immediate out-of-price-range checkmate for the resident of Idaho working in the same exact industry.
So then, less inventory, less income, less options….
I advocate for those who are homeless; to assist them in any way we can. They are human beings who have needs and have suffered heartache, loss and many have mental illnesses. When you are desperate, feel abandoned by society and having nothing else to lose, you can do desperate things.
We’re used to attributing certain characteristics with those who are homeless. But no more. Even the middle-class is suffering homelessness in California. It has become a societal (economic?) epidemic. Those who should be living a well-to-do life are struggling, living in their cars and trying to manage their jobs and families.
There are so many issues being ignored by government, communities and people in general. Here’s an excerpt and a clip from the NY Post concerning the issues with ignoring and not dealing with the growing problem of homelessness:
“It’s just a very dangerous time to be a Venice resident right now.” Violent robberies in the neighborhood have jumped by 177 percent and the number of cases of assault with a deadly weapon involving a homeless person have spiked by 162 percent, according to LAPD stats the council shared with Fox News.
The world is being set on fire. And it’s burning in ways we may not be prepared to navigate. People need to raise their eyes from the current petty arguments and understand what’s really beginning to happen out there in the world.
Look what happened with Detroit. Now natural disasters like fire and flood are also working on the state of California along with corpse-porations moving out of state and letting loose the chains on their employees, allowing them to work from anywhere in the U.S.
Do you ever wonder if all the natural, social and political disasters in California are a warning sign? Maybe there’s a reason to consider leaving whereas if everything were good, more people would still be living there? It’s a strange way of thinking, I know, but it seems like a warning signal going off.
I attribute this way of thinking to sensational Hollywood movies as well as legit intuition and news stories.
Remember the people who worked in the Twin Towers that said they went out for a donut or were late to work for the first time ever on 9/11? That’s the foreshadowing I’m picking up on with California.
Earthquakes, fires and drought. Unbelievably high house prices, economic unrest, social and political unrest. It’s never-ending.
Enter, Artificial Intelligence and Friendly Robots
The whole world is going through a shift. And it’s accelerating at a much faster pace in our modern times than it ever did before. These next 10 years the shift will be significant and likely affect every person on earth. It’s one of the many reasons I chose to leave a career in a major industry and work to secure my future against the changing times.
I can only pray it works.
I believe that within the next 10 years we are going to see a substantial loss in the workforce. The positions just won’t be needed. It’s already happening but it will accelerate into the 2030’s. Many jobs will be rendered obsolete. So many customer service oriented jobs will be lost. Only the older generations still look to that one-on-one, in-person transaction.
All the younger generations trust the online network of human(less) e-commerce.
You think robots can’t take over nursing positions in hospitals? Shopping clerks? Bank tellers? How about school cafeteria workers and assistants? These will fall to the ever increasingly sophisticated robotic creations.
Give the big thinkers in technology enough time and money and they will advance A.I. to that point. And so much more. I fear so many people have no clue what’s really happening behind the scenes with these technologies. I’ve listened to fascinating interviews with these brilliant people who themselves will tell you, they are working against the ticking clock of government regulations.
For now the waters seem calm, so furiously they stretch the bounds of morality and perhaps their own conscience in the burning pursuit of making history – these people have soaring egos and not much consideration for life. One American who is working in China with these extreme technologies said on camera, in an interview (I’ll not forget it): “Can robots one day kill all of the human race? Yep! Am I still going to work to advance artificial intelligence? Yep!”
I was furious on the inside. Stubborn, prideful and selfish….Absolutely no regard for other people (oh, I’m sorry, are you thinking ‘Ashley, really, this is so preposterous it’s not worth getting upset about it.’
You, my friend, have no idea…remember the silent rising of nuclear weapons? “I am become death, destroyer of worlds”….
In Pursuit of Glory (lots and lots of money) No Matter the Human Cost
Why are we as humans always in pursuit of those things which can destroy this earth and ultimately ourselves! I can’t deal with some people…those specifically who have the power to make vastly destructive decisions without ANYONE being able to control them or what they want to do.
You think the majority of peoples on this earth would have approved of the atom bomb? These leaders held a private conference, along with the former President Harry Truman before the first bomb was ever detonated and said they thought it was a possibility that the detonation could catch the earth’s atmosphere on fire. The final decision?
Drop the bomb any way.
Listen, God lays the ground rules. Robots will never wipe out the human race because God’s Word reigns above every other word. But humans are trying to make technology that can do just that. And we as people, societies, communities, states, countries, nations, government bodies will have to deal with this.
Pssst, remember, all things on earth are flowing towards the One World Government over all peoples of the earth.
I can’t get into it here, but a one world government will solve so many problems and be so beneficial to all at first – truly – but it is the leader and the system of that government body who will be evil, and this is why no Tower of Babel will ever be erected before God, in place of God and without God.
And let’s not forget that money rules everything in the world system. These hierarchies don’t care about individual people. I mean look at how “Wall Street”, a.k.a corpse-porations, a.k.a., malevolent cowards… are buying up real estate properties out from under Americans. Look at how we ‘rent’ everything instead of buying it once which builds wealth. Microsoft office is paid on an annual basis, that’s one of thousands of examples.
Cars are going the same way. There will be no more purchasing of automobiles. Vehicles will all be electric and autonomous. You will buy a pass, or a card, or a monthly subscription (and if you want only luxury cars to ride in, then you pay the premium monthly cost for it, economy class only $29.99/month) and through your phone, you will summons the vehicle to your location.
That is, if you’ve managed to be one of the few demographics who don’t end up homeless…
I digress…
Corpse-porations and their utter disregard for human beings
Big companies are making the money and will own all the vehicles and all the real estate, and will charge us a fee to utilize their inventory. Cars will likely be illegal to drive on public roads at some point in the future.
If you want to actually drive or race cars or take a joy ride, there will be places setup around the U.S. where you can vacation and do so. Car enthusiasts will throw loads of money toward that.
But then eventually, 2070 or 2100, no one will want to drive anymore. It will be a history that is long forgotten with a generation and possibly referenced in school books where kids will laugh and say, ‘Yeah, my great grandpa used to have one of those things!”
Eli: The dead and blind church. The religious church.
Eli’s Sons: The behavior the dead church has allowed for 2000 years: killing, slaughter, genocide, hate, arrogance that kills, lust for dominion, greed, leading people searching for God into white-washed sepulchers.
The Philistines: Any worldly system. In this prophecy, specifically refers to leaders, officers, appointed representatives of any United States Political Party. Not the people who are governed by them, but those in leadership positions, appointed, with power and who are holding an office who have committed offensive acts against God’s people.
The Ark: What constitutes the presence of God, a representation of Him and what He stands for. In this prophecy, having been taken unrightfully and used by the Philistines to garner power, mainly political, and for selfish gain.
Dagon: The Philistines’ god, or capitalism at the expense of the impoverished, greed and power for selfish gain.
The King (any President/Leader) that touts the Holy Bible (Ark)to gain favor: God being placed in the same temple with the god Dagon.
“Ready yourselves, for I will break Dagon. The Philistines will be punished for taking what they thought was a dead god into their camp, thereby leading My people into captivity and thus defeating them. Along with Dagon, Eli also will fall and break his neck for all the evil he has done in My name when I had nothing to do with it. Depart from me for I have not known you – for Eli will be broken and the Ark returned to My people.
“Arise and thresh O Daughter of Zion! And I shall make your horn iron; and I shall make your hooves bronze and you shall beat into pieces many nations and consecrate their gain to the Lord, and their substance to the Lord of the whole Earth. My Spirit will move over My people like a mighty wind, over the waters of My people and a great awakening will begin. I have reserved for Myself a people for this purpose.
“Hear Me, you do not belong to any system of this world, no system with its foundations rooted in this world. You are My people, and your kingdom is not of this world but a heavenly kingdom not temporal but eternal. This is your inheritance.
“Separate and consecrate yourselves to Me and free yourself from earthly securities. Do not put your trust in them. You are not defined by this world, your reflection is not of this world but I have called you unto Myself, A chosen people in My image. Do not follow Saul who, when he sinned, sought the forgiveness of the people and not of Me – and thus his kingdom was stripped from his hands. But you are in need of no earthly king to lead you – for surely those who follow Saul will suffer loss when I have judged him according to his deeds. But be led of the Spirit who was sent to you as a gift from heaven.
“Don’t be led astray or deceived – there is nothing for you in the world’s kingdom and indeed it is even now passing away from under your feet. The nations rage, do you not discern it? But your kingdom is spiritual and not temporal, but eternal. This is your inheritance.
“Therefore, detangle yourself from that which is perishing and passing away; from earthly things – seek not security and sanctuary in them for they are fading away. Arise and pray. Be sure-footed in Me, who conquered all your enemies; even now I rest My feet upon them. Anoint your eyes that you may see the futile hope of this passing world and rejoice in the eternal everlasting promise that is yours in Me. It is the co-heir’s inheritance”,
Sometimes the mind can play tricks on us. We can look at something and think we know what we see, when in reality, there’s something else just under the surface. We are uncomfortably aware that something isn’t quite right about what we are seeing, but because our eyes can’t focus on two things at once, it’s hard to shift perspective and see the image within the image.
A double-exposure photo is a good analogy. An image developed overtop a more prominent image. Until your mind discerns the difference, you feel a distraction but can’t put your finger on it. The more subtle the image, the harder to discern between the two.
Remember the Invisible Marker Pads you got as a kid from the Dime Store back in the ’80s? A pad filled with blank pages and empty spaces until you touched it with the invisible ink marker and a number or word magically appeared where there was nothing.
COVID is like that invisible ink.
On the surface, the virus is an invisible organism sweeping the globe and causing panic, fear and economic disruptions. But behind the scientific description of what it is and its direct impact (an organism that is of the SARS-CoV-2 strain and which infects humans causing illness and possible death) its indirect impact is not so noticeable, but nevertheless highly potent.
Covid is indirectly drawing lines which before were invisible or at least easily ignorable to most. Entitlement of the rich, the self-indulgent greed of the powerful, a distastful arrogance within the church, the privilege of class, and the ultimate disregard for the poor and underprivileged. It’s bringing to the surface hard lines of who should be first and who isn’t worthy to be first but should wait their turn because they don’t have 1. the status 2. the wealth 3. the importance 4. the right 5. the understanding 6. the education, and the list goes on and on.
This disease drills down into temperaments, egos, greed, entitlement, compassion, empathy, sacrifice and basic rights verses basic ethics. The nature of humankind is being tested down to an individual’s personality which is being drawn upon by the invisible ink of an unseen organism, exposing what is just below the surface. It’s like humankind has been cornered and there’s no easy way out.
Need to get the economy going again? Well then you don’t care about human life.
Need to care more for human life? Well then, you don’t care about the living, because what if I lose my job, lose my home, lose my car or have no money to feed my family?
Doesn’t everyone have the right to live?
Doesn’t every law abiding American have the right to be free?
Where do we draw all the lines? How do we draw them?
No worries…the invisible ink is doing it for us….
We humans pride ourselves on finding solutions to difficult problems, taking action and solving those problems effectively. In fact, there’s plenty of money to be made if you have the skill and knowledge to perform a task that others can’t. We are rewarded and take pride in that. But then we can get prideful – “well if I can’t do it, I’ll make sure no one else does either. If it’s solvable, I’ll be sure I’m the only one who solves it, even if I have to sacrifice morals or undercut the competition in an unethical way or hinder progress at the expense of the greater good – I’ll be first and only! Even if I have to destroy others.”
Then suddenly something comes along and begins exacting a price for this behavior. That price is death and no one knows how to address the issue. And the pride we have developed only makes the effort to stop it worse – it’s as if the virus grows and morphs on the food of pride, arrogance, cheating, competitiveness and indignant behavior – the only attributes with which we’ve learned to succeed and win are the same ones that are causing us to lose. So now what?
Humility is perhaps the key – but who on Earth cares to understand how to humble oneself? It’s a spiritual word with modern connotations of defeat, powerlessness and ignorance. Higher educational systems don’t teach this word in classrooms…wait, do they? Who cares about humility anyway – kick that weak word to the curb! We need strong powerful women and men to show the world who’s really boss, take over governments and positions of authority and be obstinate — no pansies! Humility is for pansies, that’s it.
When someone takes control of their own inner self, these are the actions s/he may take:
Humble: having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance.
Humility: a modest or low view of one’s own importance; humbleness.
Those who choose not to take control of themselves usual have power exerted over them by those who are in positions of power (and this can be within family units, not just society at large) and this is the action that gets exerted over them:
To be Humbled: lower (someone) in dignity or importance.
Humiliation: the action of humiliating someone or the state of being humiliated
So then, we can either humble ourselves in any given circumstance, or we can behumbled by someone (or something) else who has the authority to do so. And for someone who has the ultimate uncontested power to humble others without being humbled? Well, one must look no further than a being once called Lucifer to see that there truly is only One who holds that position. Thinking he was above God, Lucifer rose up against Him in pride and like lightening, fell from the heavens to the earth in disgrace. Bad day right there.
Jesus, who is God in the flesh was described as meek and mild. And don’t confuse the word meek with weak. So then, the One who is the meekest and mildest is the only One who has supreme authority to humble without being humbled. Interesting I would say; beautifully ironic in fact.
Let me ask this question: What do you think about a tiny invisible organism so fragile that washing your hands for a mere 20 seconds destroys it, yet it is destroying trillion dollar economies and undermining the sense of safety and wellbeing of all humankind – stalking them even into their private homes?
Pride most certainly comes before a fall. In scripture, God beseeches His followers to humble themselves and pray. Why do you think He does this? To show them who’s boss? To make them feel terrible about themselves? Most certainly not the case. Humbleness is the key to changing a current circumstance, whatever that circumstance may be.
In 2020, its a pandemic.
So in this pandemic, it appears our pride and arrogance is being humbled by something so small we can’t even see it. Is it slightly bothersome that the only apparent way to approach this is to humble oneself? Or would a raucous rebellion here on Earth against our fellow neighbors and those in authority work better, you know, to kill something that a little dish soap can kill?
God is waiting.
It’s not about killing the virus. It’s not about showing the government we have the right or the privilege or the strength to do as we please. It’s not about shaming others when we have no idea what they are really going through. Instead, it’s considering what someone else may need and that what they need is important too. It’s about humbling ourselves and before God and asking Him to intervene on behalf of all people because no human arrogance, willfulness, power or entitlement is going to work against such a tiny, fragile, invisible marker.
From the Dawn of Creation until 1805 the earth populated to 1 Billion people. That means, from as early as we have record (and I say might as well just count from Adam and Eve) until 1805, it took approximately six- to ten- thousand years to reach this number.
For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. Romans 11.25
So, here’s what I thought was so interesting. It took almost 10,000 years to reach 1 Billion humans, but – and make much of this – it took only 200 years to add an additional 6 BILLION PEOPLE.
There is no doubt in my mind; if in any bygone era, there has ever been ‘the fullness of the gentiles’ the age is NOW. This is the end of all ages.
Once the fullness of the gentiles has come in, the end of the age will be at hand. And right now we are in the number seven. We are at the precipice. Seven Billion people currently inhabit the earth and the number is steadily rising towards 8, even as birth rates have begun to decline. Seven in Biblical terms means completion, God’s perfect number; it’s tied to the idea of all God’s creation and it being good.
Eight is the number signifying New Beginnings, New Order, and New Creation. There’s something in this. Something here that is significant; that number holds a new order within it. Is it the One World Order that will precede, according to scripture, the Second Coming of Christ? Is it the New Heavens and New Earth that God has promised after the end of the age? Perhaps all these events will come to fruition within those years when the human race hits 8 Billion signifying a New Beginning. Perhaps not. But one thing is for sure, time will ever flow into ALL of God’s prophecies, all of God’s words and all things will come to pass that He has spoken. Time will not erode His words.
The Next Move of God upon the Earth
All I know is that the door has swung open as wide as it’s going to swing and the harvest is ready; God is waiting for His workers to thresh, take the winnowing fan of Jesus and thoroughly clean out His threshing floor! Gather the wheat for the time is here, the separation has begun. The Spirit of God is rising and His breath will blow mightily across the fields of the nations to separate the wheat from the tares, the sheep from the goats, so be ready servants of God – you harvesters! – to bundle up what belongs to God and gather the nations ill-gotten gain to consecrate it to the Lord, the God of all Creation.
His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather His wheat into the barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. ~Matthew 3. 12-14