Sunshine Walks

“Enoch walked with God, and then he was not, for God took him.”

I have been walking every day I can find the time and making the most of the pleasant weather. When I first started walking, I just threw on some flip-flops and headed out to one of the parks in town. My main thought was to get some sun and fill up my vitamin D tank. (Be healthy about it and don’t forget to grab some sunscreen to put on.)

But as the summer progressed, I found my walking had some beneficial side-effects. One particular benefit I wasn’t expecting was better posture. It just automatically comes with toning and exercising your core. Sitting behind a desk in an office all day is not good for the body. (or the soul for that matter.)

Getting Serious

I upgraded to some cushy walking shoes because my speed got faster and I went from leisurely flip-flopping for 30 minutes to walking at a faster pace for more than an hour. Any longer than an hour-and-a-half, and I’m feeling it in my back and hips. But hopefully I’ll build up endurance to keep it up for two hours. Then, if I can ever get my hands on a bicycle, I’ll switch over and cycle come Fall with its cooler weather. It’s been a fluid progression to start out walking like I was headed to the mailbox and my body increased in ability over the course of a month. Pretty cool how efficient and adaptable we humans are.

Just start, that’s all. Ten minutes, fifteen minutes. And before you know it, you’ll have your own little program going. The shoes I bought were cheap enough – nothing crazy – but importantly, they fit well and keep my knees from hurting. Good shoes will help you walk for longer periods of time without wearing you out.

Here’s a great article for beginners that goes into the specifics of walking on Very Well Fit And more info about shoes and such.

But the best benefit of walking, besides the sunshine, is it gives me time with God. I talk to Him, or pray to Him – really it is a conversation. If you’ve never had a conversation with God – like you would with a friend – I would encourage you to approach Him in this way.

God is Always Available

He’s not a God that is only accessible when we are in church, or quiet and in a reverent posture (whatever that means to you) but He is accessible at all times, in all situations. A personal relationship with God is like no other. He created you, He knows you like no one else ever will. He counts every hair on your head – that’s how much everything about you means to Him!

Enoch Walked With God

The Bible says Enoch walked faithfully with God for 300 years. Then I guess he got so close to Him that one day, God just took him. All other people were described as ‘died’ or ‘was laid to rest’, but not Enoch. He was just taken up to heaven it sounds like to me. Fascinating!

So, concerning these sunshine walks; maybe one brisk morning while I’m out talking with God among the cicadas songing in the trees, the sun shining, or the summer rain sprinkling and like that – “I was not, for God took me”….

Yeah, probably not but if nothing else, I’ll have walked and talked with a Friend who will never leave me, and that’s good enough for me.

Find your ideal park and get out there in the sunshine! Fill up your vitamin D tank, enjoy the extra benefits and let your body take care of the rest. You’ll feel much better, trust me : )

A Seal Upon Your Heart

Let me be a seal upon your heart, 
Like the seal upon your hand. 
For love is fierce as death, 
Passion is mighty as Sheol; 
Its darts are darts of fire, 
A blazing flame. 
Vast floods cannot quench love, 
Nor rivers drown it.” ~Song of Songs 8.6-7

I wish I could speak more eloquently about this verse. Passion without God, to me, is a fire that will consume everything without mercy. It is ignorant of itself and has no proper direction. It’s a carnal love that excludes the spiritual aspect, and leaves only the fallen nature of human beings trying to connect to each other without the divine cords of God’s love leading them.

But when love and passion have God’s seal upon them, it’s like the fire which set the bush in the desert aflame, yet did not consume it. There is direction, hope, faithfulness and truth within the connection as well as an unquenchable fiery passion as fierce as death because the fingerprint of God is woven into it. Where there is wisdom and love, passion can exist without harm.

Passion can be disastrous when separated from God – after all, God is love which is gentle, patient and kind. Passion is hollow, draining and dissolves into lust without the protective seal of the Holy Spirit. But a union solidified with God’s love is satisfying and transcending when God is understood to be the giver of it. Love fulfills it’s purpose when God is invited into a union. Then the passion, the fire and all that comes with it can be experienced with trust, happiness and freedom because there is no fear of harm in it.

The above verse from Song of Songs is written by the Beloved, in-other-words, the woman. A beautiful expression laid down into scripture as a means to understand Jesus’ love for His Church. The Holy Spirit used a woman’s sentiment to express this love – I find that powerful and beautiful.

Featured Image taken at the Cincinnati Art Museum exhibit: “No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man” 2019

Unconventional Thinking: The Potential of a Seed

Without seeds, we wouldn’t have Earth, we’d have Mars. There would be nothing to sustain life. A single seed is a powerful creation of God because inside one seed is the ability to produce multiple seeds after it’s own kind. Plant one tomato seed and it won’t just produce one tomato for you to eat, but multiple tomatoes containing a multitude of seeds – which you can then replant – and thus the cycle of multiplication, abundance and continual supply is set in motion.

Corrupt Seed That We Don’t Want

Satan works to stop anything that produces good results. He will either change it to produce evil results or simply bring death. A superior example of this is the Monsanto soybean. It’s a genetically modified seed which, when planted, will produce a soybean plant that is edible. The evil of this creation is that the seeds produced from the plant have no reproduction life in them. The code of life God placed in the seed has been genetically knocked out of the DNA strand.

In other words, plant one seed, get one plant, then death. You must purchase more genetically modified seeds produced by Monsanto if you want to plant and eat again. The devil takes life out of everything he can. Take note of this. (The implications of this is the setup for the One-World government that is coming – which is a different topic altogether so let me stay focused…)

The True Nature of God’s Creation is in a Seed

Now, we have God’s seed which is perfect and beautiful and creates life for others and within itself is abundance. The power of the seed is self-contained and it has it’s own DNA. One can never plant a tomato seed and reap a harvest of green beans.

The other mystery about a seed – which contains so much life within itself – is that it must die before it can produce anything. Jesus said,

Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

So in the kingdom of God, seed is many things and incredibly powerful. As Christians, we are the multiplication, the harvest, the fruit of Jesus falling into the ground, dying and rising again on the third day. Satan thought by killing Jesus he would end his own misery and win – to his dismay, Jesus was then multiplied in every direction as God’s word spread and watered the seeds of the harvest of the Gentiles.

Jesus also said if we have the faith of a mustard seed, the tiniest seed of all, we can move mountains! How is this possible, you ask? The genetics of God’s seed is a powerful force my friend. It confounds the wise and saves the simple!

More on the process of how to plant a seed and what you should be doing during the waiting season before your harvest.

Now, let’s look deeper into what faith is because it’s easy to get it confused with hope.

How Our Faith Works is Just Like a Seed

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.”

First of all, if it is the substance of hope, then it is not hope, but altogether separate. Secondly, it isn’t just a feeling or state of mind like hope because it refers to tangible things: substance and evidence.

When we have faith in something, we are taking an action as a result of the hope we believe in our hearts. And that action displayed in the natural world is the evidence of that which you are waiting and hoping.

Here’s an example: Peter clearly saw Jesus walking on the water in the midst of a raging storm. He hoped he also could walk on water and not sink – the action of stepping out of the boat into the ocean was faith in it’s purest form. Hope is an attitude on the inside, in your heart and mind – faith is you taking action (evidence) on that hope and the substance for Peter was his ability to then walk on water.

Here’s a secret (which isn’t really a secret, it’s scripture): Faith works by love. Because as soon as Peter looked around him and feared, he sunk.

Without this understanding of a seed, of faith, and of hope, then the fruit of the seed won’t be seen. To go one layer deeper (like that phenomenal movie Inception) if the seed is corrupt, or isn’t sown into good soil, misses and hits the sidewalk, isn’t protected and gets eaten by fowl, or not tended to and the thorns choke it out – then there will be no harvest produced. Or worse, a corrupted harvest is produced. This idea in the kingdom of God is exceptionally powerful either way you use it, so be cautious.

Plant Good Seed for a Good Harvest

And here is why: scripture says, “God will not be mocked, whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap.”

This goes for all seed, all deeds, all things good or evil – they will be reaped by the sower who planted them.

So you thought living for God was some stodgy ‘ole religious practice of counting rosaries, penance and rehearsing a prewritten prayer or two? Perhaps thinking that God is miles away ‘somewhere up there’? Well welcome to a completely opposite reality, it’s nothing of the sort! You want manmade religion? You’ll find it in most churches-noun-place today with their rituals and time schedules and formalities – what a bore!

God is alive and active upon this Earth and with His people. The powerful Third Person of the Trinity is with us today (who makes us His living temple 1 Corith 6:19). Living the Christian life is nothing like Religion has made it out to be. God is far too intelligent for that rubbish…

One Tiny Seed Can Change The World

That tiny seed you hold in your hand – with God – it can move an entire mountain. It can pull up a tree by its roots and plant it in the sea. Miraculous altogether!

But only…….if you believe.

The next installment we’ll talk more about what a seed planted in your heart can do because there is seed given by God and there is seed corrupted by the devil. We want the good, positive life of God’s word to produce from out of our hearts and mouth.

For whatsoever a woman thinks in her heart and speaks with her mouth so is she…….Proverbs 23.7

Plant good seed. Reap a good life.

Until next time~

Featured Photo by Hean Prinsloo 

The Prophecy June 5th, 2020

The Interpretation

Eli: The dead and blind church. The religious church.

Eli’s Sons: The behavior the dead church has allowed for 2000 years: killing, slaughter, genocide, hate, arrogance that kills, lust for dominion, greed, leading people searching for God into white-washed sepulchers.

The Philistines: Any worldly system. In this prophecy, specifically refers to leaders, officers, appointed representatives of any United States Political Party. Not the people who are governed by them, but those in leadership positions, appointed, with power and who are holding an office who have committed offensive acts against God’s people.

The Ark: What constitutes the presence of God, a representation of Him and what He stands for. In this prophecy, having been taken unrightfully and used by the Philistines to garner power, mainly political, and for selfish gain.

Dagon: The Philistines’ god, or capitalism at the expense of the impoverished, greed and power for selfish gain.

The King (any President/Leader) that touts the Holy Bible (Ark) to gain favor: God being placed in the same temple with the god Dagon.

Biblical references:

Eli: 1 Samuel 4:12-22

Eli’s Sons: 1 Samuel 2:12-21

The Philistines and the Ark: 1 Samuel 5: 1-12

Trump: King Saul 1 Samuel 8:6-18, 1 Samuel 13:6-14 and 1 Samuel 15:24-29

The Prophecy

And the Lord says,

“Ready yourselves, for I will break Dagon. The Philistines will be punished for taking what they thought was a dead god into their camp, thereby leading My people into captivity and thus defeating them. Along with Dagon, Eli also will fall and break his neck for all the evil he has done in My name when I had nothing to do with it. Depart from me for I have not known you – for Eli will be broken and the Ark returned to My people.

“Arise and thresh O Daughter of Zion! And I shall make your horn iron; and I shall make your hooves bronze and you shall beat into pieces many nations and consecrate their gain to the Lord, and their substance to the Lord of the whole Earth. My Spirit will move over My people like a mighty wind, over the waters of My people and a great awakening will begin. I have reserved for Myself a people for this purpose.

“Hear Me, you do not belong to any system of this world, no system with its foundations rooted in this world. You are My people, and your kingdom is not of this world but a heavenly kingdom not temporal but eternal. This is your inheritance.

“Separate and consecrate yourselves to Me and free yourself from earthly securities. Do not put your trust in them. You are not defined by this world, your reflection is not of this world but I have called you unto Myself, A chosen people in My image. Do not follow Saul who, when he sinned, sought the forgiveness of the people and not of Me – and thus his kingdom was stripped from his hands. But you are in need of no earthly king to lead you – for surely those who follow Saul will suffer loss when I have judged him according to his deeds. But be led of the Spirit who was sent to you as a gift from heaven.

“Don’t be led astray or deceived – there is nothing for you in the world’s kingdom and indeed it is even now passing away from under your feet. The nations rage, do you not discern it? But your kingdom is spiritual and not temporal, but eternal. This is your inheritance.

“Therefore, detangle yourself from that which is perishing and passing away; from earthly things – seek not security and sanctuary in them for they are fading away. Arise and pray. Be sure-footed in Me, who conquered all your enemies; even now I rest My feet upon them. Anoint your eyes that you may see the futile hope of this passing world and rejoice in the eternal everlasting promise that is yours in Me. It is the co-heir’s inheritance”,

says the Lord.