The Folly of Sacrificing Joy and its Benefits

Joy should be a non-negotiable. There is no good substitute that brings the same benefits as Joy. The Holy Spirit is the one who allows for Joy, but we have the power to reject Him; and by rejecting Joy we quench His presence in both our lives and other’s. 

Why do some ignore and dismiss the benefits and strengths of having Joy in their life? And how might we quench Joy from our lives or from another? We can do that, esp if we ourselves aren’t experiencing Joy and our friends are. Maybe we feel excluded when this is the case.

Perhaps some people consider Joy trite or immature, yet, it’s all the more difficult to walk the Christian life when we sacrifice Joy in favor of suffering. As if life isn’t difficult and sorrowful enough…

Is there anything worth exchanging Joy for?

Or in a more profound sense, is there anything worth exchanging the presence of the Holy Spirit for? 

That’s when a cost-to-consequences analysis must be examined. This is crucial for the life of the Christian.

“Laughter doeth good like a medicine.”

Joy is like a healing balm and it’s one of three words attributed to the Holy Spirit. If we withdraw from Joy then we are quenching the presence of the Holy Spirit in our life, and in a Christian’s walk, that’s detrimental.

Take some time to look back over your life and see whether it was easier to manage more difficult endeavors when you allowed for Joy; or if somehow things went better for you by rejecting it.

“He will once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.” Job 8.21  

Do you believe the Word of God for your life? Or do you reject it? God can move mountains, but it takes faith. 

“I lay before you today the path of life and death…choose Life.”

How Positive Words Improve Your Health

The direction of your life will follow the words you choose to speak. It’s like when you’re driving, you follow the direction your eyes are focused on. Ever looked intently at that huge pothole saying ‘going to miss that one’ and instead you hit it dead-center? Same principle applies.

“A sound heart is life to the body, but bitterness is rottenness to the bones.” Proverbs 14:30

Be thoughtful of what you think of others in your heart. Sometimes we can hold unforgiveness which turns into bitterness after enough time has past without dealing with the feelings. Forgive so that you can be free. Unforgiveness is like a cage and can affect your own wellbeing while the person you are holding in unforgiveness is free and not bound by you at all. You in essence have bound yourself. Be good to you and forgive. It doesn’t mean what they did was okay, forgiving others doesn’t mean they didn’t do you wrong. It means you are saying ‘I release you into the hands of God so that I can be free of the thoughts and free of the bitterness and I’m going to move on with my life without this weight. I’m giving it all over to God’. Release the negative feelings and it will make room to begin again.

Kind words are like honey–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Provers 16:24

This sums it up. Be kind. It is one of the foundational expressions of love. Kindness is light, free and positive. Being mean comes from a very heavy place in our souls and leaves a bad taste in everyones mouth that sees us being cruel to others. If someone has done you wrong, turn them over to God’s justice. He works in mercy (which you probably don’t want to hear) but think of how many times you deserved worse, and God showed mercy to you. Be merciful to those who do you wrong. Speak kind words and let God deal with people in your life who are less than positive. Don’t fight fire with fire. Take the higher, healthier road.


My son my daughter, give attention to my words;
Incline your ear to my sayings.
 Do not let them depart from your eyes;
Keep them in the midst of your heart;
 For they are life to those who find them,
And health to all their flesh. Proverbs 4: 20-22

What this verse is referring to are the words of wisdom – that is – the words of God. Read his word. That is life to your soul and your body. God’s word is alive, not dead. It is active, not dormant. It’s living. So if you want active medicine for you soul and your body, devour his word daily!

The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18

Thinking ill will towards others can be detrimental to oneself. How to exact revenge for someone who has hurt you or paying back evil for evil will only get you in trouble. Release them over to God. They will reap what they sow – just as you will. Sow mercy, reap mercy. Show kindness, reap kindness. Use your words to bless others not tear them down and you’ll feel better overall that you have control over the negative things that happen to you.

A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22

Be joyful! Don’t refrain but let your happy out for everyone to notice! Don’t be shocked when some people don’t like it – some people are just grumps that would rather stay stuck in their negativity. Don’t let them control you. Remember there are seasons for everything – but don’t ever lose the joy in your heart even through the bad times. Happiness, peace and joy are found in the Holy Spirit. Learn about God and relating to him and he will be your strength and joy through the good times and the bad times.


If you have questions or need direction on how to begin to make a change, don’t hesitate to contact me. Leave a comment or email me – you can also reach out on social media like Linked In or Google+. 

Love will get you to where you need to be~