The Revelation of a Kingdom, Not a Denomination

God is not a Church, He isn’t a Denomination, nor is He a Religion

If you can understand the revelation Munroe is thowing out here, then you can understand why no denomination was God’s idea.

Denominations are not of God, they are of man.

The Catholic denomination is possibly the worst because they are prideful in saying they are the first church – and are blind to the fact that they are a denomination. Until we understand there is no such thing as denominations or brick and mortar churches in God’s Kingdom, we will never bring the Kingdom of God into the earth.

But I have faith in the true Church, the organic Bride of Christ, that she will bring the Kingdom of God into the earth in these last days.

Because there is nothing else that will be capable of rising up against the anti-christ in these last days.

It’s time to start reorienting ourselves in God, and bring the kingdom Christ taught and spoke of into the earth. And to prepare for much spiritual warfare when we do.

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world; if it were, My servants would fight to prevent My arrest by the Jews. But now My kingdom is not of this realm.”

John 18

John 18 is one of the most fascinating conversations in the Bible, imo. And realizing what Munroe says, that Jesus didn’t even speak to the religious men who were ‘representing’ God, but did speak to a gentile sinner who was ruler over a kingdom just blows my spiritual mind.

The Kingdom of God Defined | Dr. Myles Munroe

My challenge I’m putting on myself this year is to live a fasted life and pursue the understanding and revelation of this Kingdom God is desiring to manifest into the earth. If I can channel His kingdom through my life, I’m here for it~

Featured Image by Johannes Plenio.