The Cradle of Storms

Warming My Bones

At year’s end 2021, I was doing a good job keeping my unfocused, creative self in a good routine, being productive writing, painting and capturing a few good creative opportunities. I had a good support system of family and friends, so although Covid restrictions – and later complete tyranny – was a formidable headwind both physically and emotionally, I was holding the balance of work-life flow nicely. I’ve not been as comfortable and at peace with my life as I was throughout 2021. It was amazing.

Things were going so well, I was content and warm snuggled up at my writing desk without a care in the world, day after day throughout 2021. Only be creative and work hard at it, the rest will fall into place, I told myself. My communion with the Lord in prayer dwindled. Meanwhile, the world outside was blowing up a multitude of storms in opposition to everything I considered myself to be and the values I hold dear. I saw it raging outside my window, gathering in strength and area of effect, but decided to ignore it.

I kept thinking, this covid mess will pass soon enough, just keep your head down and work.

But by this time, it was already too late.

I Should Have Known Better

Daily I take time to listen to the word of God. I break bread with a select group of ministers. This has always been an anchor for me – indeed for all of us who are the Body of Christ. But we can’t neglect prayer and reading God’s word, and I grew increasingly relaxed about both. The flesh can get stubbornly rebellious when it comes to prayer putting forth every kind of excuse not to yield to the flow of the Spirit.

It is the presence of God which brings us power, peace and strength. True, we can find these three things in our close relationships but there is no substitute for His power, His peace and His strength in our lives. Time spent with God in His word and in prayer is a matter of life and death to those of us born into the kingdom of God. We can’t expect to live a victorious life without spending time with the One who conquered it all. We’re not of this worldly kingdom, but of the kingdom of God.

“When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left Him until an opportune time.” Luke 4.13

Christians are the devil’s top priority when it comes to attacks. God will never forsake us, but the less prepared we are, the more it hurts when those fiery darts are aimed and shot into our lives by the wicked one. The more in God’s presence, the more anointed, the more in communion with the Holy Spirit we are, the less we are affected by all the wiles of the devil.

“Put on the panoply of God, that ye may be able to stand against the artifices of the devil.” Ephesians 6.11

A Perfect Storm

We’ve all experienced loss. I’ve experienced three different types of loss in the past eight years. The first was a vision I based my entire potential ministry plans upon. I learned my lesson and it is this: never follow your own vision in hopes that God will bless it. You will struggle the whole way and eventually lose it. Stick with God’s vision for your life – it far exceeds anything we can dream up on our own. Even though His vision starts out small, it’s the right choice no matter how big the other opportunities may be. Choose God first, the rest will fall into place and you’ll forego buying the bill of goods the wicked one peddles.

The other losses were of people, one of those being my Dad. I was already struggling with what seemed to be a quiet but abiding sadness which I couldn’t shake as the summer of 2022 approached. I had organized all my research for the book and written the first rough draft. So many things were going right I couldn’t figure out how I was so down.

Upon reflection, it was a combination of all those storms of life and disruption of routine, strange government overreach that left me feeling unprotected, frenzied online mob persecution over masks and vaccinations, all the unrest in the world during this time, and finally the loss of my father in the summer of 2022. This perfect cradle of storms were too much for me to continue forward having no garments of prayer wrapped around me to protect me. The devil sought an opportunity, found it and came in like a flood.

I sank. Into nothingness.

My Own Personal Island of Fogs

Suddenly on top of all the strange sadness came every responsibility that my father was undertaking; it all fell to me. It was in good working order, he was smart, and all was streamlined and uncomplicated. But it was all new to me, suddenly new people to deal with, new circumstances to manage, and all with the awareness of the absence of him no longer in my life.

In addition to an already stressful situation, there are always those few who tilt toward malevolence; nosey, cruel, vindictive and manipulative. I was thrown into a pit of vipers and unknowns without a stitch of spiritual armor to cover me. And filled with grief from all the loss.

The clock struck and my writing was defenestrated for an indeterminant amount of time. Everything I did seemed to include a wave of subtle sadness during this period, including the gathering up of my pages of notes and scribbles and drafts of the book I was writing. All the documents from my dad’s passing, all the mail, all the papers and items were slowly taking over my work desk area.

Paralyzed in the Swamp

I remember stacking the chapters of beloved characters and worlds that had brought me such joy together in a pile and placing them in the back room on the self. The sadness of putting the book aside wrapped around me like a wet blanket. Some things are just a part of who you are and without them you are incomplete. In addition, I had no schedule and nothing to do, and no motivation to do it anyway. The only thing that spurred me awake was the drudgery of legal paperwork and sorting my late father’s affairs.

I felt like Artax in the Swamp of Sadness, and again like the boy Atreyu trying to pull myself up out of it…yeah, maybe that.

This is not where you want to find yourself.

Seriously Think Through Whatever You’ve Done Wrong and Change It

The good news now is, all the intruding documents and responsibilities and unknowns are being sorted, wrapped up and dealt with — the situation finally reached that Critical Mass I previously spoke of and can only deflate. The False Narrative my own government was using against me has been shown in the light along with all its fowl rotting guts being investigated and put to shame. (I’m exceedingly angry still.) And it won’t be long before the defenestrated writing project is back in its proper place: occupying my thoughts and the tips of my typing fingers. Taking one step at a time. The clouds are clearing. God is faithful.

He brought people with strong voices into my life during this season, were it not for these leaders, family and friends during the darkest hour I’ve yet to experience in my life as an American, I’d have surely gone under and not been able to recover myself. Thank God for bold men and women on the frontlines standing for truth and not backing down.

Feeling the Warmth of the Sun After the Storms

After brunch with some friends the other day, I picked up two science fiction novels at our local bookstore. They were an unexpected find. I also wasn’t expecting the excitement I felt about them – in that moment I knew I was returning to myself again, leaving the Island of Fogs behind.

The only thing more stupid than stupid is the same perpetual stupid. Thank God that He is always there to reach out His hand when we start sinking to impart wisdom and knowledge leading to a better path of action. Maybe next time I can be the hand that reaches out to help instead of being the one in need of it.

This time around, God comes first. This mistake will be corrected gladly. All other things will be added to our lives: books, connections, people, opportunities – without any doubt they will be added if God is placed first at the top of all, for the word declares it.

Put Him first, there really is no better way. The storms are already gathering in strength along the horizon. The time is short.

Pray while the sun is shining and while the rain is falling! Pray always.

Featured Image by Georgi Kalaydzhiev 

My Sunshine Walks Changed My Life

Over the summer I shared several ways we can move into a satisfying life which brings greater happiness and freedom. (I have so much more to share on this topic.) Sometimes this process can take years, other times only months or even days.

The first time I put these principles of unconventional living into action, it took about four years. But somehow the end result of those four years catapulted me 7000 miles across the Pacific Ocean to an island in the middle of nowhere.

This time however, it took one season and I’m not going 7000 miles away thank goodness! But the idea of breaking free from a nine-to-five job seemed unattainable. Then I started walking and praying in the park…

Those Sunshine Walks changed my life. No joke. After walking and talking with God through the summer months, and really embracing the idea of an unconventional approach to life, I have discovered a few things that have kept me from living a life more true to myself. I’ll share with you what has happened.

I have worked 21 years in the business/corporate world which consumed all of the best hours of my day. Everything I’ve ever been passionate about – writing, art, nonprofit work, reading, volunteering – I relegated to the fringes of my life. All these things would start and stop continually because invariably my 40 hour workload snuffed them out.

It wasn’t too bad when I was younger because I had the energy to halfway punt and fit everything into my schedule. But as I grew older I dropped more of the activities I cherished and reality sank in…

I was shackled to making a living – but not doing much living at all.

It’s impossible to dedicate yourself to something when it remains on the fringes of your life. What’s more, it’s near impossible to be successful at it. I thought to myself, either move it front-and-center if it means that much to you, or leave it as a mere offshoot among all the business of daily chores and career and be unhappy.

Forget that. Sometimes the heart just won’t let you betray yourself any longer.

During the course of the summer, walking gave me precious time to search my heart and I realized after some scary introspection that I had to let everything go. I had to let go of the fear of failure, the fear of others’ disapproval and the fear of going it alone. Men ambitiously forge their own path often; women not so much, though we’re getting better at it.

So I made the decision to do just that. Forge my own way. Of course God will be with me (who needs anything more?) And He’ll connect me with all the right people and opportunities to make this a successful venture.

I’ll be leaving the daily corporate grind to move a writing career front-and-center. I’ve given myself one year to establish a platform and make a living. It’s going to take a lot of hard work, but it’s work I will enjoy! If after a year I am not earning a living, I’ll seek something more in line with my values and interests: nonprofit, publishing/editing, arts, etc.

It’s just time to launch out and do what makes me happy. I believe that if I spend the majority of my day working hard at what I love, I can have more success than merely working for a living.

Finally, balance. We don’t appreciate enough the peace balance brings to our lives.

There’s nothing more damaging to a creative soul than having to work where there is no opportunity to create anything at all. It’s maddening, frustrating and ultimately depressing. It’s who we are, yet we’re given no opportunity to be who we are. It’s a recipe for sadness.

You see, everyone wants you to be what will make them happy, comfortable and less stressed. Then you get the stamp of approval. But you walk away unhappy and empty.

Not anymore.

This summer, God and I decided I’m not living for anyone else. Going to close that chapter right now.

If I think about it, I really was like Enoch, I “walked with God, and then I was not”. Haha. Not a lot of things that I thought I was. God pulled me out of my old unprofitable mindset that was killing me and brought me into His plan for my life. Spending time with God helps us find ourselves and ultimately, happiness.

Prayer is powerful. And God isn’t joking around. It’s taken longer for me but rushing is the worst thing I could’ve done, and I know God’s timing is perfect.

I have a few more months before finishing my current obligations – I wouldn’t feel right otherwise. But I’m super excited about the path ahead!

Featured Image by Toa Heftiba