The Prophecy June 5th, 2020

The Interpretation

Eli: The dead and blind church. The religious church.

Eli’s Sons: The behavior the dead church has allowed for 2000 years: killing, slaughter, genocide, hate, arrogance that kills, lust for dominion, greed, leading people searching for God into white-washed sepulchers.

The Philistines: Any worldly system. In this prophecy, specifically refers to leaders, officers, appointed representatives of any United States Political Party. Not the people who are governed by them, but those in leadership positions, appointed, with power and who are holding an office who have committed offensive acts against God’s people.

The Ark: What constitutes the presence of God, a representation of Him and what He stands for. In this prophecy, having been taken unrightfully and used by the Philistines to garner power, mainly political, and for selfish gain.

Dagon: The Philistines’ god, or capitalism at the expense of the impoverished, greed and power for selfish gain.

The King (any President/Leader) that touts the Holy Bible (Ark) to gain favor: God being placed in the same temple with the god Dagon.

Biblical references:

Eli: 1 Samuel 4:12-22

Eli’s Sons: 1 Samuel 2:12-21

The Philistines and the Ark: 1 Samuel 5: 1-12

Trump: King Saul 1 Samuel 8:6-18, 1 Samuel 13:6-14 and 1 Samuel 15:24-29

The Prophecy

And the Lord says,

“Ready yourselves, for I will break Dagon. The Philistines will be punished for taking what they thought was a dead god into their camp, thereby leading My people into captivity and thus defeating them. Along with Dagon, Eli also will fall and break his neck for all the evil he has done in My name when I had nothing to do with it. Depart from me for I have not known you – for Eli will be broken and the Ark returned to My people.

“Arise and thresh O Daughter of Zion! And I shall make your horn iron; and I shall make your hooves bronze and you shall beat into pieces many nations and consecrate their gain to the Lord, and their substance to the Lord of the whole Earth. My Spirit will move over My people like a mighty wind, over the waters of My people and a great awakening will begin. I have reserved for Myself a people for this purpose.

“Hear Me, you do not belong to any system of this world, no system with its foundations rooted in this world. You are My people, and your kingdom is not of this world but a heavenly kingdom not temporal but eternal. This is your inheritance.

“Separate and consecrate yourselves to Me and free yourself from earthly securities. Do not put your trust in them. You are not defined by this world, your reflection is not of this world but I have called you unto Myself, A chosen people in My image. Do not follow Saul who, when he sinned, sought the forgiveness of the people and not of Me – and thus his kingdom was stripped from his hands. But you are in need of no earthly king to lead you – for surely those who follow Saul will suffer loss when I have judged him according to his deeds. But be led of the Spirit who was sent to you as a gift from heaven.

“Don’t be led astray or deceived – there is nothing for you in the world’s kingdom and indeed it is even now passing away from under your feet. The nations rage, do you not discern it? But your kingdom is spiritual and not temporal, but eternal. This is your inheritance.

“Therefore, detangle yourself from that which is perishing and passing away; from earthly things – seek not security and sanctuary in them for they are fading away. Arise and pray. Be sure-footed in Me, who conquered all your enemies; even now I rest My feet upon them. Anoint your eyes that you may see the futile hope of this passing world and rejoice in the eternal everlasting promise that is yours in Me. It is the co-heir’s inheritance”,

says the Lord.