Adventures Take Courage

Back in 2009, I decided to sell/donate/trash most everything I owned and move to a remote island for two years to teach Marshallese children on the Island of Ebeye.

I was talking to a client at work and telling them I was leaving and that their account would be in good hands. Chuck was an entrepreneur who made great money and travelled everywhere his heart took him. He was free, satisfied with life and fulfilled.

After telling him of my plans to pretty much insert an intermission in my conventional 9-5 work day and slam the door good-bye on it, I remember Chuck saying, “Wow, now that’s really living right there. You know? You’ll really be living…”

I’ll never forget that – it took me by surprise but he was right. Fear had kept me strapped to a job making money for someone else that I didn’t enjoy doing in the first place. There was no reward, no sense of satisfaction or fulfillment for me.

Just money to pay the bills, steady income to stay independent and ugh! The boredom of it all!

For some people, this is a perfectly fulfilling life and they don’t want anything crazy or out of the ordinary. That’s great and I wish I was more like that sometimes – it isn’t easy never being satisfied with a life that’s so readily available. Why do I have to pine away for adventure, new experiences and something beyond the normal day to day routine of work– eat-sleep- do it all over again? Why do I feel this way about it?

Writing helps – painting helps – of course traveling eases the tension within my soul but it’s just not enough – I still feel fettered by this thing called ‘work’. I find no sense of freedom in it because it isn’t satisfying for me.

So many people break out of it and become entrepreneurs – how is it I can’t manage this? I think I get comfortable with the ‘easy’ and I fear losing out and having to start again. Which is odd because I’ve already done that once and I’m more blessed now than before my little island intermission.

I’m kind of using this blog to hone in on what exactly I’m desiring and how I’m going to attain it – changing your life around takes time and a lot of planning. Instead of journalling I’ll blog it because maybe I can help somebody somewhere out there who feels the same way I do. And that will make me happy – because that’s what I enjoy doing!

I love the satisfaction of work in general- it’s fulfilling….when I’m being creative and/or helping others I find satisfaction in that. Not so much anything else. The rest of it is total monotony. Pushing papers that helps no one, fighting computer glitches, printer malfunctions, slaving through the day so that I can…..turn around and do it all again tomorrow. I’ve helped no one better themselves, I’ve encouraged no one, I’ve created absolutely nothing and so it’s just dead to me.

If I can offer any inspiration, don’t give up on your dream, keep it in your sight. When you give up, you lose. Better to try and go for it and lose – at least you’ll learn something in the process and be ready to go for it again having learned from any mistakes and being stronger the second time around.

I just think life is too precious and the people that are in need are too vast to just sit behind a desk pushing papers. I need to make a contribution for the kingdom of God. God’s got a plan – I’m just going to have to be diligent in searching, patient in waiting and remain faithful right where I am until it comes to fruition and God (or is it me?) is ready to move~

Unconventional Thinking: The Potential of a Seed

Without seeds, we wouldn’t have Earth, we’d have Mars. There would be nothing to sustain life. A single seed is a powerful creation of God because inside one seed is the ability to produce multiple seeds after it’s own kind. Plant one tomato seed and it won’t just produce one tomato for you to eat, but multiple tomatoes containing a multitude of seeds – which you can then replant – and thus the cycle of multiplication, abundance and continual supply is set in motion.

Corrupt Seed That We Don’t Want

Satan works to stop anything that produces good results. He will either change it to produce evil results or simply bring death. A superior example of this is the Monsanto soybean. It’s a genetically modified seed which, when planted, will produce a soybean plant that is edible. The evil of this creation is that the seeds produced from the plant have no reproduction life in them. The code of life God placed in the seed has been genetically knocked out of the DNA strand.

In other words, plant one seed, get one plant, then death. You must purchase more genetically modified seeds produced by Monsanto if you want to plant and eat again. The devil takes life out of everything he can. Take note of this. (The implications of this is the setup for the One-World government that is coming – which is a different topic altogether so let me stay focused…)

The True Nature of God’s Creation is in a Seed

Now, we have God’s seed which is perfect and beautiful and creates life for others and within itself is abundance. The power of the seed is self-contained and it has it’s own DNA. One can never plant a tomato seed and reap a harvest of green beans.

The other mystery about a seed – which contains so much life within itself – is that it must die before it can produce anything. Jesus said,

Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

So in the kingdom of God, seed is many things and incredibly powerful. As Christians, we are the multiplication, the harvest, the fruit of Jesus falling into the ground, dying and rising again on the third day. Satan thought by killing Jesus he would end his own misery and win – to his dismay, Jesus was then multiplied in every direction as God’s word spread and watered the seeds of the harvest of the Gentiles.

Jesus also said if we have the faith of a mustard seed, the tiniest seed of all, we can move mountains! How is this possible, you ask? The genetics of God’s seed is a powerful force my friend. It confounds the wise and saves the simple!

More on the process of how to plant a seed and what you should be doing during the waiting season before your harvest.

Now, let’s look deeper into what faith is because it’s easy to get it confused with hope.

How Our Faith Works is Just Like a Seed

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.”

First of all, if it is the substance of hope, then it is not hope, but altogether separate. Secondly, it isn’t just a feeling or state of mind like hope because it refers to tangible things: substance and evidence.

When we have faith in something, we are taking an action as a result of the hope we believe in our hearts. And that action displayed in the natural world is the evidence of that which you are waiting and hoping.

Here’s an example: Peter clearly saw Jesus walking on the water in the midst of a raging storm. He hoped he also could walk on water and not sink – the action of stepping out of the boat into the ocean was faith in it’s purest form. Hope is an attitude on the inside, in your heart and mind – faith is you taking action (evidence) on that hope and the substance for Peter was his ability to then walk on water.

Here’s a secret (which isn’t really a secret, it’s scripture): Faith works by love. Because as soon as Peter looked around him and feared, he sunk.

Without this understanding of a seed, of faith, and of hope, then the fruit of the seed won’t be seen. To go one layer deeper (like that phenomenal movie Inception) if the seed is corrupt, or isn’t sown into good soil, misses and hits the sidewalk, isn’t protected and gets eaten by fowl, or not tended to and the thorns choke it out – then there will be no harvest produced. Or worse, a corrupted harvest is produced. This idea in the kingdom of God is exceptionally powerful either way you use it, so be cautious.

Plant Good Seed for a Good Harvest

And here is why: scripture says, “God will not be mocked, whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap.”

This goes for all seed, all deeds, all things good or evil – they will be reaped by the sower who planted them.

So you thought living for God was some stodgy ‘ole religious practice of counting rosaries, penance and rehearsing a prewritten prayer or two? Perhaps thinking that God is miles away ‘somewhere up there’? Well welcome to a completely opposite reality, it’s nothing of the sort! You want manmade religion? You’ll find it in most churches-noun-place today with their rituals and time schedules and formalities – what a bore!

God is alive and active upon this Earth and with His people. The powerful Third Person of the Trinity is with us today (who makes us His living temple 1 Corith 6:19). Living the Christian life is nothing like Religion has made it out to be. God is far too intelligent for that rubbish…

One Tiny Seed Can Change The World

That tiny seed you hold in your hand – with God – it can move an entire mountain. It can pull up a tree by its roots and plant it in the sea. Miraculous altogether!

But only…….if you believe.

The next installment we’ll talk more about what a seed planted in your heart can do because there is seed given by God and there is seed corrupted by the devil. We want the good, positive life of God’s word to produce from out of our hearts and mouth.

For whatsoever a woman thinks in her heart and speaks with her mouth so is she…….Proverbs 23.7

Plant good seed. Reap a good life.

Until next time~

Featured Photo by Hean Prinsloo