Nature Frees the Soul

Headed south this past weekend with a friend to enjoy a break from the everyday mundane obligations of life. Stayed in a cabin built by the record breaking rock climber Hans Florines. It’s nestled in Muir Valley in Red River Gorge.

February turned Springlike here in Kentucky and we wandered out into nature to breathe the fresh mountain air and enjoy the found wonders.

Nature is visually tactile and unexpected. The softness and texture play off one another well.

The dampness, the smell of rich earth crumbling down over the leaves and the soft furriness of the moss pads growing through the decaying leaves is a tiny microcosm of solitude. The random complementary colors of green and red against each other was an especially enjoyable treat to behold.

Will be leaving for Florida soon. Traveling down to see first hand the devastation of Ian. I had a small place right in the eye of the storm but miraculously, it suffered little damage. Lost the Jeep, but that’s a small price to pay compared to what many lost, including loved ones. My father will be on my mind, he loved the place dearly. I miss him.

Did you notice the tiny red seed to the right of the golden rock? It’s as if they are aware of each other’s presence yet both seemingly frozen within a sea of green waves clapping between them. Maybe they’ll make their way to each other one day.

And maybe they won’t.

This fragile and spindly root is clinging tenaciously to a shattered piece of wood. There is a delightful airiness to its tiny root system. It’s not going to give up.

Sometimes the darker places give us a cool moment to be introspective and peaceful. A respite from all the clatter of daily life.

Until next time, all you beautiful people, go say hello to nature and free your soul for a time~

One thought on “Nature Frees the Soul

  1. Jessica

    The pictures and the words mesh beautifully in this article. I felt like I was traveling with the writer as she shared her weekend.

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