The Difference Between Righteousness and Holiness

Righteousness and Holiness are not the same thing, but it’s easy to get them confused. They sound like the same thing, right? But they are actually quite different. Here is the difference between each. let’s take righteousness first.

Righteousness: Being right with God the father. 

If you are a believer, you are right with God. This reality is true because of one Man, Jesus Christ. Make no mistake, you and I have nothing to do with how right we are with God. Our righteousness is as filthy rags the bible says. That means we can live our lives following every rule and always doing good in the world – which is impossible, even rush hour traffic takes care of most of our own righteousness – and we still would not be right with God. Only one Man could have ever paid the price of our right standing with God and remain standing in the gap today as High Priest and Intercessor, and that is the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

Since God Himself wrought this work, it is perfect. He alone has made us right with God. No mortal man could do it. The righteousness of God IN CHRIST JESUS. Without Jesus, there is no beginning your walk with God. 

Which brings up the next reality: Holiness.

As Christians we want to walk with God…well most of us do. Relationship is the whole reason why Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice and God accepted him, so that God might be reunited with His people. Sin separated God from His chosen people, it’s a long story but His chosen people started with Israel and then God graciously allowed us Gentiles to also be grafted into the olive tree. Before Christ, God could only get as near as the appointed earthly mortal priest, the Levite who would be appointed to carry out certain tasks in the tabernacle. Only the priest could enter the Holy of Holies, the very innermost part fashioned on this earth where God’s presence resided.

Jesus made it possible for the Holy Spirit to dwell within us.

Oh but praise God for Jesus! No more of that, God lives in our hearts, Paul said WE are now the temple of the Holy Spirit. John Chapter 15 explains it. Wow, just take a moment and wrap your mind around the awesome power of God and the blessings which come through Jesus Christ…thank you Lord.

So now we have God so close to us, we become one in Him. the root, the branches the fruit, we are one with God as Jesus said He was one with the Father, I in You and they in me. This is where holiness is so very important to understand. 

Holiness: Right living before God.

Those who are not Christians don’t have to worry about this – they have much bigger things to worry about…like understanding who Christ is and accepting Him as Savior. One cannot begin to understand the need for holy living until they understand the reality of the need for a Savior. 

God is not present in unholiness. He has mercy and grace in the face of it, but He isn’t going to hang around for long without holiness. Be holy for I am holy He said. One cannot do this without the Holy Spirit and some good old fashion discipline. Let’s take a look at what hospitality means.

Our Hospitality toward the Holy Spirit

You have a friend you’ve invited over for lunch. You know he doesn’t like smoke and is allergic to it, but you like to smoke. When you know your friend is coming, you do your best to clean the house and to not smoke while your friend is with you. Now, what kind of friend would invite you over, knowing you hate smoke and are allergic to it, and fill the house with it right before you show up – maybe blow it in your face while you’re eating, and continue smoking while you are trying to talk, share and visit with each other? Not a very respectful gesture right? Not a hospitable environment for your friend. That friend isn’t going to hang around for long! Not because they don’t love you, but because they are allergic to smoke, eyes burning and watering, unable to beathe and terribly uncomfortable.

Let’s work to welcome the Holy Spirit into our daily lives! And make an environment He would be pleased to dwell in and remain. This is where holiness is so important. Holiness is what we can do for Him, just like we would for a friend.

Don’t Be Nonchalant About Sin: It still has consequences

Paul warned us of having a nonchalant attitude towards sin and God’s mercy saying “God forbid we go on sining just because grace would abound.” There is still death residing in sin, dear people, and it will kill. And believe me, there are a lot of ways death can happen without it being mortal death. Remember King David sinning with Bathsheba and killing her husband? What did God say, “The sword will never leave your family…” That’s what the prophet Nathan said to King David and David had trouble with his family for the rest of his life. Please take heed of this – there are inescapable consequences to sin.

So in wrapping up, we must rightfully divide between these two realities.

1.Holiness is not being right with God. Holiness is right living before God and it is the only way to grow our relationship with God.

2. The righteousness of Jesus Christ is what qualifies you to walk with God in the first place. We as human beings can never be righteous enough – Jesus took all of our unrighteousness, He was the only One who could because He was perfect and blameless before God. We have the righteousness of Christ, what a gift from God!

I pray we all gain understanding of the difference between righteousness and holiness, and that your passion for God far out shines the need to walk according to the flesh. Walk in the Spirit and be led by Him and you won’t fulfill the desires of the flesh. It takes practice, patience and persistence. Praise God He is faithful and long-suffering and will never give up on us!

Featured Image by: Bart LaRue@bartlarueeppler

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